ComicHub is a mirror site of sribbles where comics and comic information and history are hosted. You can read CobeJoumedia Inc. comics here!

Click on the images to access the (soon to be deprecated) information pages. Click on the text to access its ComicHub page.

It's Been Awhile

This is a comic series about the life of Lit after the murder of her sister. It started in September 2022. It is written and illustrated by CoJu. Do not let the inclusion of "ThePickelini" on the cover decieve you. I did not do anything other than share ownership of the characters.

1659 (16 Square)

This is a comic series about the life of various characters in a world being taken over by aliens. It started in August 2022. It is illustrated (on paper) and written by CoMo and CoJu.

A Series (A Square)

This is a comic series about the life of various characters in a world being not taken over by aliens. It started in August 2023. It is illustrated (on paper) and written by CoMo and CoJu.

G Series

This is a fanfiction comic that is mainly about Gravity Falls, but also includes The Powerpuff Girls, Niko from Oneshot, Ralsei from Deltarune, and self inserts. It started in September 2023. It is illustrated (on paper) and written by CoMo and CoJu.


These are various comics that are from miscellaneous series or are independent of any series.


There are seperate universes in which these characters reside in. Some characters exist in multiple universes, but they do not interact with one another. Some universes are lost to time.

U0: Main Universe

This is the universe where NJ, NY, CT, RI, and MA is replaced by Evergreen, Arthur City, DePonte County, Friendship City, and Fochwich.

U1: Tommy Reed's Universe

This is the universe where NJ, NY, CT, RI, and MA has not been replaced by Evergreen, Arthur City, DePonte County, Friendship City, and Fochwich.

U89: Bus Universe

This was a story was about a group of high school students (Benny, Mieoru, Blubby, Cup, Mark, Chocolate, Misty of Rowan Highschool and Choke, Chair of Urbantown Highschool) taking the bus to their highschool.

U17134: Meeting Timelines

Every summer since 2017, CoMo and CoJu would make up stories at 12 AM.