Poo Bunnies (commonly referred to as “blunnies,” “bulnies,” “bulns,” or “budnies,”) are widespread variants of the common Rabbit. They are widely known for consuming feces.
In many cultures, baby Poo Bunnies are praised endlessly for their irresistible circular squishiness. Poo Bunnies have persisted as the most popular domesticated pet for countless centuries. Dogsergates, Pee Bunnies, and “Kelcher” bunnies are noteworthy relatives of these rooted vegetable-esque creatures.

The Poo Bunny has been kept by humans for nearly as long as humans have been populating the Earth. However, these creatures are plenty intelligent with or without our help. The first rocket intended to send Poo Bunnies to space was designed by the very same little rodents as early as the 1800s. Poo Bunny society appears to be very advanced, despite the countless Poo Bunny dens in unsatisfactory locations. Poo Bunny cities have been advancing steadily long before humans started building their own. Bunny York – the most advanced Poo Bunny urban location to our knowledge — is better structured than most human cities, and seems to be very climate conscious.

  • Kingdom Animalia
  • Phylum Chordata
  • Class Mammalia
  • Order Lagomorpha
  • Family Leporidae
  • Scientific Name Stercus iocularis


It is unclear when exactly Poo Bunny–human relations began, but scientists suspect that the two have been inseparable since the dawn of their respective species. There have been many quarrels between the species, more than one of which have ended in a Blunny—Human war.


Watermelons and blunnies have always had a very distinct relationship. Blunnies have treasured the elusive watermelon since humans have bred them. Watermelons seem to be a primary — if not supernatural — source of energy for blunnies. They seem to be the sole energy source of “Bieskeits,” an unusual and unreliable source of blunny-exclusive transportation. A sub-species of Poo Bunny has been cultivated for the purpose of doing nothing except lugging a Watermelon around, and occasionally saying, “hmmm……….. wadamewin.”


Also referred to as “Bunny English” or “PBE,” Poo Bunny English is a dialect of American English. Blunnies around the world have been cultivating their own dialects of their native languages, and North American blunnies are no different.
Poo bunnies often swap out various syllables for different ones. Examples include, but are not limited to:

Poo bunnies have also been cultivating an entire new vocabulary. Here is a non-exhaustive list of any and all words these little rodents have invented.


The majority of blunnies are named in a similar fashion: the prefix Bunny, followed by a particularly squishy and blunny-associated word. Blunny celebrities often drop the prefix altogether. Humans and blunnies alike prefer to refer to every unacquainted blunny as simply, “Bunny.” Common blunny names include:


There are many types of Poo Bunnies. This is a list of the majority of them.


Least Concern
