FCPD (Friendship City Police Department)


The FCPD is the municipal police department for Friendship City. They have three full-time police officers: Gabriel Amassi Kabbi, Sheila Gretchen, and Whit Caneyhopter.

  1. History
  2. Controversies
  • Type Public
  • Industry Law Enforcement
  • Police Commissioner Unknown


Like most other police departments, the FCPD was established to fight crime. Between 1990-2010, after multiple police abolition efforts, it is law that there must not be more than 10 full-time police officers at a time. Gabriel is often the only cop available, so when 911 is called while he is busy, the operator states that "our cop is currently unavailable".


In May 2019, someone called the police because there was a big monster destroying downtown. Gabriel said "Stop making things up."